Co-financed by: norte-2020 pt-2020 feder fse feei

Welfy Green Tech

A new inteligent control technology for comfort systems (HVAC, Blinds, Sound, Light, ...) that supplies comfort as never achieved before, unbeatable savings and that it is completely non-evasive.

We are searching for investors and partners to bring Welfy Green Tech to you.

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OK1stPart Platform

The OK1stPart platform, which was conceived in conjunction with the Faurecia group, is a quality control tool, used to check the first part produced after a relevant change in the production process.

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eLeveling System

Developed in partnership with the Faurecia group, the eLeveling System manages the load preparation logistics, including the production leveling - for pull supply chains.

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Multiple Services

Application development services, responsive web portals, Business Intelligence, control and monitoring and product prototyping.

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Electronic Projects

We create control/monitoring solutions tailored to your needs.


Sensor networks

We are experts in the use of RFID, BLE Smart, Thread and derived technologies, using the most novel solutions on the market.


Internet of Things

We design and develop integrated IoT solutions, covering technologies such as: NB-IoT/LTE-M communications, cloud integration, wearables, hybrid mobile apps, social networks integration, and others.


Highly specialized, multidisciplinary team

With several years of experience can make your idea/project a reality

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eLeveling Software

eLeveling Software

Logistics management software for cargo preparation - with production leveling for pull supply chains.

OK1Part Software

OK1stPart Software

Quality control tool, used in the analysis of the first part produced after a relevant change in the production process.

Swopi Software


in coming


Business Intelligence

We are experts in creating smart solutions, autonomous and self adaptive; in the construction of decision support systems; and its integration with existing systems.

Full Product Prototyping

We take your idea to beta level prototype, combining the technical, functional, usability, design, production, logistics and commercial exploitation. We design and implement all steps, including electronic design, mechanical, programming, product design and certification.

Control and Monitoring

We design and project control and monitoring for the industrial area, agricultural, health, urban management, among others.

Customized test equipments

We design and build test equipments, particularly for production units.

Sensor Networks

We design and develop communication wireless solutions with high autonomy and mobility, based on NFC technology, BLE4/5, Wifi Direct, Thread, Lora, ZigBee, NB-IoT, among others.

Hibrid Apps

With a single line of development to ensure applications for different platforms, including Android, iOS and Windows 10.

Responsive Websites

We build websites that fit any device.


ISO9001 Certified

Techwelf is an ISO 9001 certified enterprise.